
Martijn van Zwieten

Best practices, models and frameworks that will help you run and grow a business in the videogames industry.

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TLG#79: The 5-step plan for better core values

Issue #79 Hello friends, Greetings from Utrecht! Lot's going on these days, I feel like I've been running non-stop since Gamescom. Just in September, I have: onboarded one Long Game OS client onboarded one investment preparation client created two videos for Xsolla's new accelerator video vault attended DICE Europe made preparations for a workshop at Trondheim's new SpawnPoint incubator, and a talk at Unwrap All good things though! And since one of the Xsolla videos touched on company culture...

Issue #78 Hello friends, Greetings from Utrecht! I'm in the middle of my busiest month of the year - somehow all of my big deliverables seem to have concentrated in September - but I'm not too busy to share some hot tips on feedback! This topic comes up a lot in my coaching - either because clients ask about it, or because it becomes clear that feedback is not being shared and received effectively in the studio. So I've put some thoughts on paper that have stuck with me over the years, in the...

Issue #77 Hello friends, Greetings from Utrecht! Not everyone I talk to is ready to jump head-first into a coaching trajectory. Some companies first want to know where they stand, what works and what doesn't. They want assurances that their current structures, processes and habits will be built upon, not changed for the sake of change. They prefer advice that is specific to their exact situation and make-up. And they want this up-front, rather than work through it together as part of the...

Issue #76 Hello friends, Greetings from sunny Zutendaal! I'm writing this edition from a little cabin in Belgium, where I'm enjoying some much needed time off with my family before I head to gamescom next week. Every year I try to stick to a one-on-one-off meeting schedule, and every year I end up almost fully booked anyway, running from one meeting to the next. I actually did manage to reserve some time this year, but I'm sure I'll slot in some last-minute catch-ups before the week is over....

Issue #72 Hello friends, Greetings from Utrecht! One more week, one more tool from the Long Game Operating System toolbox. Today I'm sharing my starting point for defining your target market. PSA: We're just a few weeks away from GamesCom, and I still have a few slots left for anyone who wants to meet up over a drink or a bite. Let me know if you'd like to meet up! How to: Define your target market Pop quiz, hot shot! Who's your target market? Spoiler alert: it's not "men aged 18-34 who like...

Issue #74 Hello friends, Greetings from Utrecht! The year is half over, and we're entering the summer vacation period. What better time to (briefly) reflect, and share some book and game recommendations? 2024 Halftime Recap The year is 50% over, which is a perfect point to take stock and give you a short summary of what I've been doing. Highlights Content I've been sharing much more of my personal approach to business coaching. Chief among these were my core philosophy (part 1, part 2) and my...

Issue #73 Hello friends, Greetings from Utrecht! Last time I explained the contents of the Long Game OS. Today I'm walking you through the implementation process. And as a bonus for being a long-time subscriber, I'm giving you full access to the Traction Day Playbook. This is a full rundown of the work I do with my clients on our first day of the coaching process. Get the free Traction Day Playbook How I help my clients get better results with less hassle 🤫 If you run a video game company and...

Issue #72 Hello friends, Greetings from Utrecht! And welcome to the first edition of The Long Game - the new and improved version of Bi-Weekly Bits. Each edition will still revolve around a long(ish) form essay about tips, tools, frameworks and principles for better game company management. I'm tinkering with the rest of the layout, so expect minor changes until I settle into a new format that fits with the new direction and image. If you have strong feelings about what you'd like to see and...

Hello friends, After 3.5 years, I figure it's about time to update the name for this newsletter. Here's why. Bi-Weekly Bits becomes The Long Game The first edition of Bi-Weekly Bits went out on January 17, 2021. Back then, I hadn't yet made the leap to solo coach. But I was thinking about it, and I started the newsletter as a forcing function - something that forced me to really think about what I know and believe with regards to running a company, and put them to paper for others to read....

Hello friends, Greetings from Utrecht! If you've been to any games industry events this year (and even if you haven't), you've heard the tag line: "Survive to '25" But what does that mean, exactly, and what can you do to increase your chances of survival? This was the topic of my talk during Reboot Develop Blue 2024. In my talk, I covered four main topics: 🛤️ How we got to this point 🏕️ How to survive to '25 🌱 How to thrive in '25 🔄 How our industry can change for the better Check out my full...